ENCORE Show Choir

ENCORE Children's Show Choir for ages 7-16yrs
Started in September 2023. Bringing children together to SING!
Fridays term time
Act1: Ages 7-11yrs: 4pm-4.45pmAct2: Ages 12-16yrs: 4.45pm-5.30pm
New Venue: SEMINGTON - conveniently positioned for access from Melksham, Devizes, Westbury and Trowbridge! We are now registering singers to join us for our relaunch on Friday 19th April 2024! Get booked in!
Registration Form: https://forms.gle/H4MQQB8XgZfYzNwU7
Fees for Encore Children's Choir: £35 per 1/2 term* - may vary from 4wks-6wks each 1/2 term. Plus ENCORE TShirt @ £20 - please state what size is required. *'Little Voices' pupils = £20 per 1/2 term!
(more info on Little Voices: https://littlevoices.org.uk)
ENCORE Show Choir for ages 17-25yrs
Starts Monday 15th April 2024!
Mondays term time
Venue: THE CENTRE, Trowbridge - conveniently positioned on Union Street with various parking options locally. We are now registering singers to join us for our launch on Monday 15th April 2024! Get booked in!
Registration Form: https://forms.gle/CtfBkBaAgN8J7msT9
Fees for Encore Show Choir: £40 per 1/2 term* - may vary from 4wks-6wks each 1/2 term. Plus ENCORE TShirt @ £20 - please state what size is required.
About ENCORE's Choir Leader
Lorraine Mahoney
Estill Master Trainer, CT ABRSM, ATCL, MISM
* Has been a music educator for 30yrs, with former students going on to success at institutes including Arts Ed, Italia Conti, Mountview, Royal College of Music, Salisbury Playhouse and Chichester University. She has worked with a wide demographic of professional singers, including those with West End and professional operatic backgrounds across a range of musical styles, including jazz, musical theatre, opera and pop.
*Advanced Singing & Vocal Anatomy Lecturer at Wales Academy of Voice & Dramatic Arts (UWTSD) in Cardiff where she teaches on the BMus, BA & MA Musical Theatre studies.
* Professionally supports the Speech and Language Therapy sector in Wiltshire in an advisory capacity with a focus on vocal anatomy and physiology for local hospital Speech & Language Therapy departments.
* Has extensive performing experience in Musical Theatre and has been in demand professionally as a recitalist and Soprano Soloist for Oratorio works across England. She has also performed professionally in Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Gibraltar and the United Kingdom.
* Is Musical Director for Corsham & Colerne Military Wives Choir, together with 2 other ladies choirs (The Semingtones & The Songbirds). Lorraine is also the Principal for Little Voices NW Wiltshire & Bath - Drama & Singing.
*You're in safe hands!!
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/EncoreCSC
WhatsApp: 07730 254122
for Encore please email: info@encorechoir.co.uk
Encore Show Choir and WWSPA are subsidiaries of Theatre Sense -
please check out our main website www.theatresense.co.uk